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Management Training

Performance, Risk, Stress,Time and Change management, Emotional Intelligence,Managing talent and Strategic planning are ​equally important for business success.

Personal Branding

How you present yourself to the corporate world differentiates you from others and allow you to build trust with staff, prospective clients and employers.

Relationship Marketing

Identify the importance and ways to stay in close contact with customers and to generate more qualified referrals for up-selling and cross-selling.

Motivation & Leadership

You as a leader should be motivated to motivate others as you cannot give what you don't have. Leaders make people feel valued and important.

Sales Management

Sales is the only activity in marketing which brings revenue to the company through the sales team who is known as the life and blood of any organization.

Negotiation Skills

Negotiating is an art of compromising 'what you give over what you get', whilst maintaining the quality of products/services you will receive in a win-win situation.

Customer Care

Hire problem-solvers, train them to listen and develop patience and empathy. Empower them to solve problems and make customer service everybody's job.

Internal Marketing

Customer is not King anymore. Employee is. Strong strategy builds a strong company culture that creates a loyal staff who works for more than a paycheck.

Team Work

Team is like a chain. Just like all links in the chain should be equally strong to be pulled, all team members should work together to achieve the goals.